Birthing Bellies Like Mine!
"You look like us, we look like you... Let's show the world "Mothers of Color in Battle Creek Breastfeed Too!"
See Our Services and Meet Our Board of Directors in the "Milk Like Mine Services" & "Board of Directors" Section (found in menu or Below)

"Want a Doula? Need a Doula? You Can Get a Doula... Because You Deserve a Doula!"

223 Roosevelt Ave. Battle Creek, MI. 49037 milklikemine@gmail.com
Bldg. (269)234-5908 24hr (269)280-2669
About Us
Caring Caring For You Full Circle
From free pregnancy testing to postpartum doula support including adjustment to infant or maternal loss; Milk Like Mine is committed to helping families in need through a disparity focused lens. This means that while giving high priority to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color due to the challenges those populations have in things like Breastfeeding, Birth, and Maternal health and safety; We provide services to any that come to us with a need. Many of our programs were created because we saw a need and made the effort to fill it. We are committed to improving birth outcomes infant feeding for initiation and duration, and postpartum mental emotional and physical health.

Our Story
Our Board of Directors are all long time supporters of Milk Like Mine and all the work that they do. The Directors were gathered and chosen due to their admirable qualities of honor, honesty, and integrity. They have been entrusted with the weighty responsibility of deciding what is best for Milk Like Mine, and while that responsibility is weighty, we are pleased that they are up for the task! We truly believe that good leadership comes from the top down, and our Board of Directors are indeed a wonderful example of good leadership.
Meet The Board of Directors

Our Funders